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Dry Divas Shower Caps
Satin Pillow Cases and Scrunchies
Indie Girl Hair Ties
Olivia Garden Brushes


Hairvana! Products to hold your hair, protect your hair, style your hair, and help your Halo blow out last for days.

DRY DIVAS SHOWER CAPS - they never let us down and are an integral part of our Life Of The Perfect Blow Dry.

INDIE GIRL HAIR TIES - satiny, elastic hair ties handmade in the U.S.

SAVVY SLEEPERS - anti-aging, luxury pillow cases and scrunchies.

OLIVIA GARDEN - nanothermic ceramic and ion hair brush collection.

If your product is not currently in stock, let us know, 800.425.6179, and we’ll order it for you - or grab from another Halo location.